Creating Previews

Creating Previews

Each choice in an arg can have an associated preview. Previews gracefully enhance from a string all the way up to multiple async functions that return strings based on choice.

You can toggle the preview pane open and closed with cmd+P

// Just a string
await arg(
"Select a fruit",
md(`I recommend typing "Apple"`) // "md" converts strings to HTML
// A function, takes typed "input", returns string
await arg("Select a fruit", input =>
md(`You typed "${input}"`)
// An async function, takes typed "input", returns string
// `hightlight` requires "async" takes markdown, applies code highlighting
await arg(
"Select a fruit",
async input =>
await highlight(`
await arg("${input}")
// A "preview" per choice
await arg("Select a fruit", [
{ name: "Apple", preview: `Apple, yum! 🍎` },
{ name: "Banana", preview: `Banana, yum too! 🍌` },
// Async "preview" per choice
let preview = async ({ name, input }) =>
await highlight(`
// ${name}
await arg("${input}!")
//"input" param is required to switch prompt mode from "filter list" to "generate list"
await arg("Select a fruit", async input => {
return [
{ name: `Apple ${input}`, preview },
{ name: `Banana ${input}`, preview },
// Static preview with static choices
await arg(
preview: md(`
# Pick a fruit
["Apple", "Banana", "Orange"]
// Dynamic choices, static preview
await arg(
preview: async () =>
await highlight(`
## This is just information
Usually to help you make a choice
Just type some text to see the choices update
async input => {
return Array.from({ length: 10 }).map(
(_, i) => `${input} ${i}`
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