Connect & Disconnect Bluetooth Devices (via `blueutil`) šŸ“¶

After buying new bluetooth headphones I got annoyed with manually connecting and disconnecting them with the mouse, so I sat down and created this little script here.

It lists all your paired devices and toggles the connectivity status for the selected device. Enjoy!

āš ļø You should have blueutils installed via brew. Simply run brew install blueutil. The script will recognize whether you have it installed and asks if you want to run the command in the terminal

Open connect-bluetooth-devices in Script Kit

// Name: Connect / Disconnect Bluetooth Devices
// Description: Toggles a bluetooth device connection
// Video:
// Alert: Make sure to have "blueutil" via brew installed
// Author: Eduard Uffelmann
// Twitter: @schmedu_
// Linkedin:
// Website:
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
import fs from "fs";
const BLUEUTIL_PATH = "/opt/homebrew/bin/blueutil";
if (!fs.existsSync(BLUEUTIL_PATH)) {
let installBlueutil = await arg(
placeholder: "Please install blueutil",
name: "Install with brew",
"Assumes you have brew installed. This will run `brew install blueutil` in your terminal.",
value: true,
name: "Cancel",
value: false,
if (installBlueutil) {
await terminal(`brew install blueutil`);
notify("Rerurn the script after installing blueutil");
function parseBluetoothDevices(
output: string
): { address: string; name: string; connected: boolean }[] {
const devices: { address: string; name: string; connected: boolean }[] = [];
const lines = output.split("\n");
for (const line of lines) {
const addressMatches = line.match(/address: ([\w-]+),/);
const connectedMatches = line.match(/(, connected|not connected)/);
const nameMatches = line.match(/name: "(.*?)"/);
if (addressMatches && connectedMatches && nameMatches) {
const address = addressMatches[1];
const connected = connectedMatches[0].trim() === ", connected";
const name = nameMatches[1];
devices.push({ address, name, connected });
return devices;
let { stdout } = await exec(`${BLUEUTIL_PATH} --paired`);
let devices = parseBluetoothDevices(stdout);
let device = await arg(
placeholder: "Device",
shortcuts: [],
}, => {
return {
description: d.connected ? "Connected" : "Not connected",
value: d,
if (device.connected) {
console.log(`Disconnecting ${}`);
await exec(`${BLUEUTIL_PATH} --disconnect "${device.address}"`);
} else {
console.log(`Connecting ${}`);
await exec(`${BLUEUTIL_PATH} --connect "${device.address}"`);
notify(`Toggled bluetooth device connection for ${}`);