Private GitHub Script Manager

Open Private GitHub Script Manager in Script Kit

// Name: Private GitHub Script Manager
// Description: Allows you to find and install all the nice scripts your organisation have created
// Author: Daniel Crouch
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
const gitHubPAT = await env("PGSM_GITHUB_PAT");
const gitHubOrg = await env("PGSM_GITHUB_ORG");
const gitHubRepo = await env("PGSM_REPO_NAME");
const branch = await env("PGSM_BRANCH");
const rawContentBaseUri = `${gitHubOrg}/${gitHubRepo}/${branch}`;
const apiCall = async (details) => {
const { url, httpMethod, body, headers, authType } = details;
return await get(url, {
method: httpMethod,
headers: {
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
Authorization: `${authType} ${gitHubPAT}`,
.then((respData) =>
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Error:", error);
const rawFiles = {};
const getRawFile = async (fileName) => {
if (rawFiles[fileName]) {
return rawFiles[fileName];
const url = `${rawContentBaseUri}/${fileName}`;
const rawFileHeaders = {
Accept: "application/vnd.github.v3.raw",
rawFiles[fileName] = await apiCall({
headers: rawFileHeaders,
authType: "Token",
return rawFiles[fileName];
const getValueFromComment = (comments, key) => {
const comment = comments.find((comment) => comment.includes(key));
if (!comment) return null;
return comment.match(new RegExp(`${key}: (.*)`))[1];
const httpMethod = "GET";
const scriptsUrl = `${gitHubOrg}/${gitHubRepo}/git/trees/${branch}?recursive=1`;
const rawScriptsHeaders = {
Accept: "*/*",
const rawScriptsResponse = await apiCall({
url: scriptsUrl,
headers: rawScriptsHeaders,
authType: "Bearer",
const scriptFiles = rawScriptsResponse.tree
(f) =>
f.path.indexOf("src/") === 0 &&
f.path.indexOf(".test.js") === -1 &&
f.path.indexOf(".md") === -1
.map((f) => ({
path: f.path,
scriptName: f.path.replace("src/", ""),
for (const script of scriptFiles) {
const rawFile = await getRawFile(script.path);
const comments = rawFile.match(/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|([^:]|^)\/\/.*$/gm); = getValueFromComment(comments, "Name"); = getValueFromComment(comments, "Menu");
script.description = getValueFromComment(comments, "Description"); = getValueFromComment(comments, "Author");
const selectedScript = await arg(
`Select Private Script:`,{ name, menu, description, scriptName, path }) => {
return {
name: name || menu || scriptName,
description: description || scriptName,
value: { scriptName, path },
preview: async () => {
const displayName = name || menu || scriptName;
const displayDescription = description || scriptName;
return md(`# ${displayName}
const scriptFilePath = `${await env("KENV")}/scripts/${
const selectedScriptRawFile = await getRawFile(selectedScript.path);
await outputFile(scriptFilePath, selectedScriptRawFile);