This script allows for choosing the Space in Arc Browser and reuse the same theme for every other Space.

I've created it because I dislike the default theme in Arc but still want to have the same one for every Space I have.

Note: This script modifies Arc Browser's StorableSidebar.json file. Use at your peril.

Open arc-default-theme in Script Kit

// Name: arc-default-theme
// Description: Pick an Arc Browser's Space and set its theme for all the other Arc Spaces. Tested with Arc v1.10.1.
// Note: This script modifies Arc Browser's `StorableSidebar.json` file. Use at your peril.
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
import { readdir, readFile, writeFile } from "node:fs/promises";
import { homedir } from "node:os";
import { join } from "node:path";
const { rimraf } = await npm("rimraf");
const psList = await npm("ps-list");
const ARC_LIBRARY_PATH = join(
"Application Support",
async function listSidebarCacheFiles(): Promise<string[]> {
const arcFileNames = await readdir(ARC_LIBRARY_PATH);
return arcFileNames.filter(
(file) =>
file.startsWith("StorableSidebar") && file !== "StorableSidebar.json"
) as string[];
async function removeSidebarCacheFiles(): Promise<void> {
const sidebarCacheFileNames = await listSidebarCacheFiles();
for (const fileName of sidebarCacheFileNames) {
try {
await rimraf(join(ARC_LIBRARY_PATH, fileName));
} catch (err) {
async function findArcProcess(): Promise<{
name: string;
pid: number;
}> {
const processes = await psList();
const arcProcess = processes.find((process) => === "Arc");
return arcProcess;
async function killArcProcess(): Promise<void> {
const arcProcess = await findArcProcess();
if (arcProcess) {
async function readStorableSidebarJson(): Promise<StorableSidebarJson> {
const storableSidebarJson = await readFile(
join(ARC_LIBRARY_PATH, "StorableSidebar.json"),
return JSON.parse(storableSidebarJson) as StorableSidebarJson;
async function getSourceSpaceTheme(
json: StorableSidebarJson,
sourceSpaceName: string
): Promise<WindowTheme> {
const sourceSpace: SpaceModel = json.sidebarSyncState.spaceModels.find(
(spaceModel) =>
typeof spaceModel !== "string" &&
spaceModel.value?.title === sourceSpaceName
) as SpaceModel;
return sourceSpace.value?.customInfo.windowTheme;
async function getTargetSpaces(
json: StorableSidebarJson,
originalSpaceName: string
): Promise<SpaceData[]> {
const itemsContainer = json.sidebar.containers.find((container) =>, "items")
if (itemsContainer) {
const spaces = itemsContainer.spaces as (string | SpaceData)[];
return spaces.filter(
(space) => typeof space !== "string" && space.title !== originalSpaceName
) as SpaceData[];
async function getTargetSpacesSynced(
json: StorableSidebarJson,
originalSpaceName: string
): Promise<SpaceModel[]> {
return json.sidebarSyncState.spaceModels.filter(
(spaceModel) =>
typeof spaceModel !== "string" &&
spaceModel.value?.title !== originalSpaceName
) as SpaceModel[];
async function writeStorableSidebarJson(
json: StorableSidebarJson
): Promise<void> {
await removeSidebarCacheFiles();
await writeFile(
join(ARC_LIBRARY_PATH, "StorableSidebar.json"),
JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)
async function mapJsonToSpaceNames(
json: StorableSidebarJson
): Promise<string[]> {
const itemsContainer = json.sidebar.containers.find((container) =>, "spaces")
if (itemsContainer) {
const spaces = itemsContainer.spaces as (string | SpaceData)[];
return (
spaces.filter((space) => typeof space !== "string") as SpaceData[]
).map((space) => space.title);
async function main(): Promise<void> {
await killArcProcess();
await removeSidebarCacheFiles();
const storableSidebarJson: StorableSidebarJson =
await readStorableSidebarJson();
const spaceNames = await mapJsonToSpaceNames(storableSidebarJson);
const sourceSpaceName = await arg(
"Which Space theme you want to use for all the others?",
const sourceSpaceTheme: WindowTheme = await getSourceSpaceTheme(
const targetSpaces: SpaceData[] = await getTargetSpaces(
for (const targetSpace of targetSpaces) {
targetSpace.customInfo.windowTheme = sourceSpaceTheme;
const targetSpacesSynced: SpaceModel[] = await getTargetSpacesSynced(
for (const targetSpace of targetSpacesSynced) {
targetSpace.value.customInfo.windowTheme = sourceSpaceTheme;
await main();
// Interfaces ------------------------------------------------------------------
interface Color {
colorSpace: string;
red: number;
alpha: number;
blue: number;
green: number;
interface ColorSettings {
[key: string]: Color;
interface WindowTheme {
semanticColorPalette: {
appearanceBased: {
light: ColorSettings;
dark: ColorSettings;
[key: string]: unknown;
interface CustomInfo {
windowTheme: WindowTheme;
[key: string]: unknown;
interface SpaceData {
title: string;
customInfo: CustomInfo;
id: string;
[key: string]: unknown;
interface SpaceModel {
value: SpaceData;
[key: string]: unknown;
interface SidebarSyncState {
spaceModels: (string | SpaceModel)[];
interface Sidebar {
containers: Array<
| {
spaces: (SpaceData | string)[];
| {
[key: string]: unknown;
interface StorableSidebarJson {
sidebarSyncState: SidebarSyncState;
sidebar: Sidebar;
[key: string]: unknown;