I use this script so much, I had to share it. It lets you select a personal or team project that is hosted on Vercel and opens the dashboard page of the selected project.

Open open-vercel-project in Script Kit

# Open Vercel project dashboard
Lets the user select and open the dashboard page of a project hosted on Vercel.
// Name: Open Vercel project dashboard
// Description: Lets the user select and open the dashboard page of a project hosted on Vercel.
// Author: Michael Rieger
// Twitter: @mueslirieger
import '@johnlindquist/kit';
const apiBaseUrl = 'https://api.vercel.com';
const dashboardBaseUrl = 'https://vercel.com';
// ask user to create an access token for the rest api
panel: md(`## Get a [Vercel API Access Token](https://vercel.com/account/tokens)`),
ignoreBlur: true,
secret: true,
const user = await fetchUser();
// Select whether personal or team projects should be listed
const projectsType = await selectProjectsType();
// If team projects were selected list the teams the user is assigned to
let team: Team | undefined | null = null;
if (projectsType === 'team') {
const teams = await fetchTeams();
team = await selectTeam(teams);
// Fetch projects based on previous selection
const projects = await fetchProjects(team?.id);
// let user select project and open in browser
const project = await selectProject(projects);
if (!project) exit(-1);
await browse(`${dashboardBaseUrl}/${projectsType === 'team' ? team.slug : user.username}/${project.name}`);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Helpers
// -----------------------------------------------------
type VercelApiError = {
error?: {
code: string;
message: string;
async function selectProjectsType() {
return arg<'personal' | 'team'>('Show personal or team projects', [
value: 'personal',
name: '[P]ersonal',
shortcut: 'p',
value: 'team',
name: '[T]eam',
shortcut: 't',
type User = {
id: string;
email: string;
name: string | null;
username: string;
type GetUserResponse = { user: User } & VercelApiError;
async function fetchUser() {
try {
const res = await get<GetUserResponse>(`${apiBaseUrl}/v2/user`, {
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${VERCEL_ACCESS_TOKEN}` },
if (res.status !== 200 || res.data.error) exit();
return res.data.user;
} catch (e) {
type Team = { id: string; name: string; slug: string; avatar: string | null };
type GetTeamsResponse = { teams?: Team[] } & VercelApiError;
async function fetchTeams() {
try {
const res = await get<GetTeamsResponse>(`${apiBaseUrl}/v2/teams`, {
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${VERCEL_ACCESS_TOKEN}` },
if (res.status !== 200 || res.data.error) exit();
return res.data.teams;
} catch (e) {
async function selectTeam(teams: Team[]) {
return await arg<Team>(
placeholder: teams.length ? 'Select a team' : 'No teams found',
onChoiceFocus: (input, { focused }) => {
enter: `Select team`,
teams.map((team) => ({
value: team,
name: team.name,
img: team.avatar ? `https://vercel.com/api/www/avatar/${team.avatar}?s=128` : '',
type Project = { id: string; name: string; latestDeployments: { alias: string[] }[] };
type GetProjectsResponse = { projects?: Project[] } & VercelApiError;
async function fetchProjects(teamId?: string | null | undefined) {
try {
const res = await get<GetProjectsResponse>(`${apiBaseUrl}/v9/projects${teamId ? `?teamId=${teamId}` : ''}`, {
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${VERCEL_ACCESS_TOKEN}` },
if (res.status !== 200 || res.data.error) exit();
return res.data.projects;
} catch (e) {
async function selectProject(projects: Project[]) {
return await arg<Project>(
placeholder: projects.length ? 'Select a project' : 'No projects found',
onChoiceFocus: (input, { focused }) => {
enter: `Open project in dashboard`,
projects.map((project) => ({
value: project,
name: project.name,