Open feedbin-unread in Script Kit

Feedbin is an RSS reader with a public REST API. This script grabs your unread articles and presents them for selection — selecting one will open it in your browser and mark it as read.

// Name: Feedbin Unread
// Author: Kevin Kipp
// Email:
// Twitter:
// Github:
import '@johnlindquist/kit';
const feedbinUsername = await env('FEEDBIN_USERNAME');
const feedbinPassword = await env('FEEDBIN_PASSWORD', () =>
placeholder: 'Feedbin Password',
secret: true,
const headers = {
Authorization: `Basic ${btoa(`${feedbinUsername}:${feedbinPassword}`)}`,
type Entries = EntriesItem[];
interface EntriesItem {
author: null;
content: string;
created_at: string;
extracted_content_url: string;
feed_id: number;
id: number;
published: string;
summary: string;
title: string;
url: string;
const { data } = await get<Entries>(
{ headers },
const selection = await arg<EntriesItem>(
name: data.length > 0 ? 'Article Title' : 'No unread articles',
actions: [
name: 'Open',
onAction: async (_, state) => {
shortcut: 'o',
name: 'Mark as read',
onAction: async (_, state) => {
await post(
{ unread_entries: [] },
{ headers },
shortcut: 'm',
}, any) => ({
name: item.title,
description: item.url,
value: item,
await open(selection.url);
await post(
{ unread_entries: [] },
{ headers },