Replace user-defined acronyms with the full text

Open de-acronym in Script Kit

// Menu: De-Acronym-ify
// Description: Replace acronyms with their full names
// Author: Trevor Atlas
// Twitter: @trevoratlas
// Shortcut: cmd ctrl opt shift a
// Group: work
import '@johnlindquist/kit';
let text = '';
const clipboardValue = await paste();
const selection = await getSelectedText();
if (selection) {
text = selection;
console.log('use selection', selection);
if (clipboardValue && !selection) {
text = clipboardValue;
console.log('use clipboard', text);
if (!text) {
text = await arg('Enter text to de-acronym-ify');
console.log('use prompt', text);
const acronyms: Array<[string | RegExp, string]> = [
['PD', 'Product Design'],
['PM', 'Product Management'],
['JS', 'JavaScript'],
['TS', 'TypeScript'],
const result = acronyms.reduce(
(acc, [acronym, expansion]) => acc.replace(acronym, expansion),
if (!selection) {
} else {
await setSelectedText(result);