shift + cmd + 5 will start a screen recording session on macOS Sonoma. It's got video trimming feature and is overall pretty good. I use it in combination with my screenshot upload script.

Open record-screen in Script Kit

// Menu: Record Screen
// Shortcut: shift cmd 5
/** @type {import("@johnlindquist/kit")} */
await applescript(`
-- # Setup to do a screen recording.
# tell application "QuickTime Player" to new screen recording
-- # Start the screen recording.
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Screen Shot"
repeat until exists button "Record" of its front window
delay 0.1
end repeat
click button "Record" of its front window
end tell
-- # Set the time in seconds you want the recording to be.
delay 2
-- # Stop the recording.
tell application "System Events" to ¬
click menu bar item 1 ¬
of menu bar 1 ¬
of application process "screencaptureui"