Rohit Kumar Saini

Rohit Kumar Saini

// Menu: Password Manager
// Description: Manager all your passwords justing using few keys
// Shortcut: command shift ]
// Author: @rockingrohit9639
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
const { nanoid } = await npm("nanoid");
const Cryptr = await npm("cryptr");
const CRYPTR_KEY = await env("CRYPTR_KEY");
const cryptr = new Cryptr(CRYPTR_KEY);
const { passwords, write } = await db("passwords", { passwords: [] });
type Option = {
name: string;
description: string;
const PM_OPTIONS: Option[] = [
name: "Add New Password",
description: "Add a new password to the database",
name: "Copy Password",
description: "Copy one of the saved passwords",
const choice: Option["value"] = await arg(
"What would you like to do?",
/** Doing operation on basis of choice */
if (choice === "ADD_NEW_PASSWORD") {
if (choice === "COPY_PASSWORD") {
async function addNewPassword() {
const title = await arg({
placeholder: "Title",
hint: "Title for which your password belongs e.g Facebook etc.",
const password = await arg({
placeholder: "Password",
hint: `Password you want to save for ${title}`,
/** Encrypting the password */
const encryptedPassword = cryptr.encrypt(password);
const id = nanoid(5);
const newPassword = { id, title, password: encryptedPassword };
/** Saving the password in db */
await write();
notify(`Password for ${title} added successfully!`);
async function listAndCopyPassword() {
const passwordToCopy = await arg(
"Which password would you like to copy ?",
() =>{ title, password }) => ({ name: title, value: password }))
/** Decrypting the password */
const decryptedPassword = cryptr.decrypt(passwordToCopy);
/** Copying the password to clipboard */
notify("Password copied to you clipboard!");